Just a quick update on things going on and the events upcoming.
The sponsor banner sales have started and have shown very strong interest with five sold thus far. Here is a picture of the Proud Parent banner so you can see the quality that we’ll be offering to our sponsors.
We have plenty of selling forms, so if there are any volunteers willing to help sell some, just give us a call (443-7506) and we'll be glad to get you the forms. Our goal is to have 25 sold before our first home football game (Aug. 17).
On Aug. 11, the officers of the Booster Club will need to meet with Ms. Lou Buck for pictures for the 2007 RMHS Football Program.
Our next meeting will be Aug 13, since most of us may be on vacation as we will be during the second week of July.
Ron & Susan Driver
Co-Presidents, RMHS Athletic Booster Club
Ron & Susan Driver
Co-Presidents, RMHS Athletic Booster Club